SUBJECT: Sisterhood Monthly Newsletter- March 2025
Message from Our Sisterhood President
Have you ever felt the weight of the world is on your shoulders? These past couple of months have been that way for me. But at the same time there have been SO many great things happening here in our CBT and Sisterhood world that keep me upbeat and ready for more.
It seemed like there was something going on every week. Oh wait, there was!!! Along with our Special Interest Groups, we had coffee with newcomers, enjoyed a joint breakfast with the Men’s Club, and celebrated Lynda Markowitz as our 2025 Torah Fund Honoree. And to begin March I/we have a chance to reset, breathe and take the time to pause during the Mind, Body and Soul program. I feel like it is just what the doctor ordered.
March is also the month we celebrate Purim. Another reason to be joyous! May you enjoy the holiday with family and friends.
Continue reading to see all that we have to offer. I hope you’ll find something that piques your interest or quenches your thirst for community and friendship.
The first -ever biography of Anna Marie Rosenberg, a Hungarian Jewish immigrant with only a high school education who went on to be dubbed by Life Magazine “the most important woman in the American government.” Her life ran parallel to the front lines of history yet her influence on 20th century America, from the New Deal to the Cold War and beyond, has never been told.
Sisterhood selected a new Tikkun Olam/Social Action project to support this year.
The Suitcase Project assists disadvantaged women, children and families impacted by abuse & trafficking in their transition to safer and independent lives.