I’m going to keep this short and sweet. The summer is upon us, and I want to wish those who are travelling safe travels and those who are staying in the area to stay cool! And now that I am writing this after these awful storms, I pray that no one experienced any damage to their homes or persons.
This is the last month of our fiscal year! Your board of directors will be working hard on providing fun and meaningful programs for next year. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or anyone else on the board if you have recommendations for our next year’s programming.
This year’s (2024-25) theme for Torah Fund is ‘Am Yisrael Chai”. As we continue to keep Israel and the hostages in our prayers, we will continue to promote the importance of supporting our efforts to raise money for scholarships and programs in the worldwide Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning.
We’ll reopen the link to renew your membership for next year the beginning of July!
Your Sisterhood gift shop, L’Dor V Dor, will be closed for the months of June and July for inventory and volunteer training. If anyone needs any assistance or wants to shop, please email the shop and/or call Arlene Berlin, we can set up a time to meet. Please be patient as we gear up for a new and improved gift shop!!